Monday, June 29, 2009


Organic gardening is fast becoming a trend for the present generations as most of them are becoming health conscious . People are seriously thinking on this and so planning to switch to organic products that have lots of benefits.Before planning to start an organic garden, few basics have to be understood by every beginner. The biggest advantage in doing organic gardening is that it requires less maintenance, less time and more here

The first important thing needs to be considered for planning an organic garden is soil. The soil meant for the organic gardening must be healthy. One must testify the soil from a recognized soil lab before it is being used for the organic gardening. The Soil experts test the soil and will give you assurance about the quality of the soil and whether it can be used or not. Next step towards organic gardening is adding nutrients to the soil such as organic fertilizers etc...more info here

If you know your soil is "clean", that your soil is not contaminated in any way because you got your soil tested, so now you’re looking for some organic seeds to plant. At this point you are probably asking yourself, "How do I know that the seeds I am buying are organically grown and where is the best place to buy my seeds?"...more info here

One the most important nutrients that should be added to the soil are compost...get free compost free eggs and chicken meat
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